DEA inspection

DEA Inspection Guide: Preventing Drug Diversion and Ensuring Compliance

Ensuring compliance with DEA regulations is a top priority for any organization handling controlled substances, whether it’s a hospital, EMS agency, pediatric organization, or other healthcare provider. This DEA inspection compliance guide will help organizations understand the requirements set by the DEA, which conducts routine and unannounced inspections to prevent drug diversion, ensure secure narcotics…

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Navigating DEA Regulations: How NarcLock Provides Cost-Effective, Wireless Compliance Solutions

For hospitals, emergency medical services (EMS), and more, ensuring secure storage and controlled access to narcotics is not just best practice—it’s required by law. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) enforces strict regulations to prevent misuse and diversion of controlled substances, which means hospitals & EMS agencies must have a reliable, compliant solution for narcotics security.…

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Prevention Is Key Within Pharmacy Health Care Organizations.

Theft prevention is a topic worth discussing in the realm of Healthcare organizations but more specifically within Pharmacies. In a study of identifying which respective business activity was more susceptible to drug theft and loss, Pharmacies took the biggest hit in 2015 experiencing roughly 64.4% of all the losses. In evaluating the total losses of…

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Drug Theft and Loss And How To Combat Occurrences

Drug theft and Loss continues to warrant unwanted stress for various healthcare organizations. It was reported by the West Allis Police Department that four main components made up the total of overall drug theft and loss locally in 2015. The four components included Customer Theft, Lost in Transit, Employee Pilferage and Armed Robberies.

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Helping Reduce Risk of Drug Diversion with NarcLock

Drug theft is a prevalent problem in the realm of healthcare. To the extent that between January and August 2013, there were 13, 885 instances in which the theft of drugs were reported by hospitals, pharmacies, EMS agencies, and other health care organizations in the United States.

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Reduce Risk of Drug Diversion with NarcLock

This was the big selling point for Windsor Volunteer Ambulance, “While researching for narcotics solutions we were discouraged by pricing  until we came across NarcLock in a magazine ad. The system not only fit our budget, but we were able to keep our own lock boxes which was convenient,” says Windsor.

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Streamlined Security for Controlled Substances

“Larry Baumgart, EMT-P, operations manager of Mercy EMS (N.Y.) says TEC Solutions was the best fit for his agency. The company installed its NarcLocks, which are electronic wireless access-control locks, in the controlled-substances safes in all agency ambulances, fly cars, helicopters, and building safes.”

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