This was the big selling point for Windsor Volunteer Ambulance, “While researching for narcotics solutions we were discouraged by pricing until we came across NarcLock in a magazine ad. The system not only fit our budget, but we were able to keep our own lock boxes which was convenient,” says Windsor.
Controlled substances security will continue to be on the forefront for EMS providers and fire departments. NarcLock, offers EMS agencies and Fire Departments a cost-effective solutions in order to lessen the concern for exposure to drug diversion with narcotics storage. The NarcLock system provides a new, more secure way to control and monitor access to these substances. Essentially, the NarcLock system works by using programmable smart keys and locks, agencies can manage access to narcotics stored in lock boxes, safes, cases, vaults, and many more. The NarcLock system then generates detailed audit trails which are stored in both the key and lock every time access is attempted, increasing accountability and decreasing the risk of drug tampering. Moreover, the NarcLock smart locks truly deliver in that the cylinders can be retrofitted into an agency’s existing lock boxes, saving them the cost of buying new boxes.
NarcLock continues to exceed the expectations of its customers as it continues to provide the added security needed by the respective organization. This was the big selling point for Windsor Volunteer Ambulance, “While researching for narcotics solutions we were discouraged by pricing until we came across NarcLock in a magazine ad. The system not only fit our budget, but we were able to keep our own lock boxes which was convenient,” says Windsor.
Overall, the NarcLock system will continue to serve the needs of its users and safely secure many confidential medical records and medications as well as store and transport appropriate quantities of controlled substances. Given that NarcLock is a HIPAA compliant access control system geared towards hospitals, health care providers, EMS, police precincts, and fire departments, it will continue to fit the security needs of each agency.
Feel free to read our published article on JEMS (Journal of Emergency Medical Services)
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